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The Pink Rose Ball

The Pink Rose Ball, established in 2013 by Ms. Melinda Pinder, is a beloved annual event dedicated to supporting those battling cancer. Organized by a committed group of women, now known as the "Magnificent Eight," this year's theme, "Rush for the Cure," draws inspiration from the vibrant Junkanoo.


The Hope Ball is an event held each year on Eleuthera. Ladies and gentlemen get a chance to dress up in their Sunday's Best and enjoy a fun-filled evening of dancing, dining, and engaging in conversation.
Funds raised from the event go towards helping persons in the community and educating the public about the different kinds of cancers and treatment options available.

Tickets: $125.00 per/person

The Pink Rose Ball

The Pink Rose Ball in Abaco is a heartwarming annual event with a noble mission. Established in 2013 by Ms. Melinda Pinder, this event brings together a dedicated committee of women, known as the "Fabulous Six," who later expanded into the "Magnificent Eight." Their primary goal is to support those battling cancer. This highly anticipated Ball is a source of joy and hope for the Abaco community, especially in the face of challenges like Hurricane Dorian and COVID-19.