To ensure that the Bahamian-made products are of high quality at affordable prices.
Every gift and souvenir store in The Bahamas would sell authentically Bahamian souvenirs and all visitors to The Bahamas would leave with a product made in The Bahamas.
To enhance visitor spending, stimulate economic activity through the creation of jobs and the provision of increased linkages between tourism and other sectors of the Bahamian economy; reduce foreign imports and encourage creativity among local Bahamian artists and artisans
Projects / Events / Activities
- Joint promotions with Sun International on major US holidays (when hotel is full). The biggest shows are held around the Easter, American Independence and Thanksgiving weekends. Artisans participate in mini-fairs, craft shows, art and crafts demonstration with a wide selection of locally-made gifts and souvenirs.
- Mini-craft shows at other hotel properties when they have large groups there.
- The provision of local products for Bahamas Tourist Offices throughout the world and to various Government Ministries and Departments.
- The promotion of local products throughout the community at the Red Cross Fair and other events throughout The Bahamas. 5) Every December, the Annual Authentically Bahamian Christmas Trade Show is held in New Providence in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting of the Bahamas Hotel Association. This provides a great opportunity for member hotels to view the myriad of Bahamian-made products and make direct contacts with the artists and artisans.
- Work along with The Counsellors Ltd. and their BAHAMAS AT SUNRISE television show on the showcasing of local artists and artisans and their products.
- The conduct of written surveys after every craft show to ascertain areas for improvement and the economic benefits to artists and artisans.
- The conducting of training sessions for Family Island artists and artisans as a Means of improving their products and the marketing of the same. In this way, visitors to all the islands would be able to purchase locally-made items of very high quality.
- The maintenance of a database of local artists and artisans.
- The organizing of a marketing workshop for artisans where they will be exposed to various techniques for the successful promotion of their products which would result in increased sales and productivity. Customer service training will also be provided.
- The pursuance of means whereby artisans could mass-produce their local products in The Bahamas so that they could adequately supply the local hotel properties and souvenir stores.
Ms. Dereka Moultrie
Authentically Bahamian Unit
The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism
Bayparl Building, Parliament Street
P.O. Box N-3701 Nassau, Bahamas
Tel: (242) 356-0435/6/7/8
Fax: (242) 356-0434
Email: dmoultrie@bahamas.com