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Abaco Open Water Swim Race

Professional and non-professional swimmers of all ages are invited to compete in this event. The race course is located in the waterway of Marsh Harbour near Albury's Ferry and is 5K in length. Persons can also sign up to compete in the paddle board and kayak challenge. The post race celebration will include great music, food, drinks and awards.

Annual Five Towns Regatta Time in Abaco

Kicking off with the famous “Stranded Naked” event on Fiddle Cay, this renowned racing series links the American and Bahamian Independence Day celebrations and is held between those dates. It features primarily American sloops and attracts dozens of sailing enthusiasts to The Abacos to see those boats compete. This year, the event commences in Hope Town and ends in Green Turtle Cay, with the post Regatta party - "Cheeseburger in Paradise"  held at Fiddle Cay.

Annual Lionfish Derby

The goal of this annual initiative is to protect our waters by controlling the numbers of invasive lionfish in a fun and educational competition. Up for grabs will be cash and prizes, along with the opportunity to enjoy a taste of the lionfish cooked on the spot.

Bahamas Billfish Boat Harbour Championship

The second leg of the Bahamas Billfish Championships, sponsored by Rolex, normally attracts scores of seasoned and crafty deep-sea fishermen, all vying for the hundreds of thousands of dollars in prizes and cash. Participants and spouses on this leg of the championship will have the opportunity to experience the nightlife scene, excellent shopping, and many dining options in Marsh Harbour, Great Abaco.

Sandy Point Homecoming Festival

Year after year the quaint Sandy Point settlement brings their community together to host their annual homecoming that takes place over a three-day period, drawing many local and domestic visitors to their side of the island. The event brings about the true island cultural feel, featuring great Bahamian foods and music and lots of exciting and interactive activities.

The Custom Shootout

An exclusive invitation-only Billfish tournament, the Custom Shootout is limited to 50 custom-built inboard boat teams - 32' or larger. The boats chosen represent the U.S. custom boat manufacturers in an all-release format. This all-charity event contributes more than $500,000 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the Wounded Warriors, and many other organizations in need.