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Rookie Sei Young Kim Won Pure Silk-Bahamas LPGA Classic: Bahamas to Continue as Host

PARADISE ISLAND, The Bahamas – Rookie Sei Young Kim, 22, of Korea emerged the winner of the successful Pure Silk-Bahamas LPGA Classic, earning her the trophy and a $195,000 cheque.

Minister of...

MOT and BHTA Assists COB With Special Seminar On Foreign Languages

The Ministry of Tourism and the Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) are collaborating with the College of The Bahamas (COB) to host a special information seminar for bi-lingual persons on...

Minister Wilchcombe: Bahamas Offers More Than Sun, Sand and Sea

PARADISE ISLAND, The Bahamas – The catchy slogan “It’s Better in The Bahamas” rolled off the lips of the Minister of Tourism the Hon. Obie Wilchcombe during a live interview on the Golf Channel at the...


This week, The Bahamas began the process of evaluating the sustainability of Nassau’s tourism sector through its participation in the Sustainable Destination Alliance for the Americas (SDAA)...

LPGA Holds Junior Clinic At Ocean Club

Over 50 students from several schools in New Providence got the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn and play golf with some of the best female golfers in the world.

The opportunity came on...

TOURISM TODAY: Rum Bahamas 2015 Preview

3 February 2015 - Watch here to find out what you can expect from Festival Rum Bahamas 2015


Rum Bahamas Creates Opportunities For Micro-Businesses

The festival, which will fully display the historic culture of piracy, rum and food in The Bahamas, will be held on February 27-March 1.

Alexa Ray-Smith, vendor coordinator of Rum Bahamas, said in its...