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MOT Celebrates 'Tourism Week'

In an effort to further educate the public about the importance of the country’s number one industry, Ministry of Tourism officials are celebrating “Tourism Week” from January 16- January 24, 2015.


TOURISM TODAY: 16 Weddings Preview

15 January 2015 - 16 lucky couples, will get married on 16 different islands at 1600 hours on January 16 as a part of the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism's 16 Islands, 16 Weddings, One Priceless Day...

16 Couples Arrive For 16 Weddings In The Bahamas

The 16 couples who will be tying the knot here in The Bahamas Friday arrived in New Providence this week to put the final touches on their upcoming nuptials.

The couples were lucky to be chosen among 3...

Bahamian Middle-Weight Champion Tureano Johnson Wins 'Throne Boxing'

In the presence of a jam packed Madison Square Garden Theatre with The Hon. Dr. Daniel Johnson, Minister of Youth, Sports, and Culture leading Bahamian supporters, ‘The People’s Champion’ Bahamas’...

Bahamas #1 In Private Aviation

The Bahamas was recently declared number one in private aviation beating out regional competitors like St. Barts, St. Martins and Turks and Caicos and banking in almost $300 million.

According to...


Middle-weight Tureano Johnson fighting Alex Theran for WBC Silver Championship in “Throne Boxing” at Madison Square Garden Theater

The Bahamas’ boxing middleweight contender Tureano Johnson will take...

January Declared "Romance Month"

With the Ministry of Tourism’s 16 Islands, 16 Weddings, One Priceless Day promotion only a week away, Ministry of Tourism officials have declared that January is “Romance Month".

On February 14, 2014...

Minister Wilchcombe Outlines Plans For 2015

Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe said recently that ministry officials have a lot planned for 2015 to fast track the country’s number one industry to the top spot regionally.

The minister says 2014...